There are different options to connect your payment card with your ring or wearable: Online, Android app and iOS app (Support for connecting a payment card with our iOS app can only be with selected wearables. Contact the wearable manufacturer for more details).

Please note that not all rings and wearables support every option of connecting a payment card. Contact the ring or wearable manufacturer for more information.


Connect your payment card when purchasing your ring or wearable online.


Connect your payment card through our Android app if your phone has NFC connection. 

Before starting...

1. If you have never connected your ring or wearable with your phone, please read this article

2. If you need it, check this article to know how to place your ring or wearable and the phone during the process.

3. If you already have a card connected to your ring or wearable, check this article to disconnect the card before connecting the new one. 

How to connect the card to your ring or wearable

Step 1.  Open the Fidesmo app. Your wearable should be shown on the screen (if not, please read this article)

Step 2. 

Step 3

Step 4. Follow the instructions on the App